Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!?

Jason Williams

Posted December 2, 2022

I really can’t believe it’s already December. The years really do fly by.

I mean, there’s a ton packed into them, and I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime in the past 12 months.

But still, it feels like just yesterday I was making predictions and creating Top Ten lists for 2022.

And now here we are at the end of it.

December brings a more personal end to the year for me because it’s my birth month.

So it’s also the end of another year for me on planet Earth (and not just because the calendar says so).

And birthdays are a good time to take a step back and see where we are, think about where we’ve been, and plan how to get where we want to go.

Don’t worry, this isn’t some Buick commercial and I’m not about to do my best Matthew McConaughey…

Although I’m sure you’d agree it’s “all right, all right, all right.”

I’m not going to make you go through the exercise of thinking about where you’ve been or comparing it to where you are, either.

But what I am going to do is share a secret to help you get where we all want to be in the future…

And that’s financially independent. Completely independent.

Spoiler Alert

I don’t know if you’ve ever read it or seen the film or even heard of it, but there’s a movie that became a book called The Secret.

And besides going in the opposite direction that things usually progress (from movie to book instead of vice versa), it is a complete waste of time.

The whole thing boils down to thinking positive thoughts.

Now, that revelation isn’t a waste of time…

Positive thinking can and will have a positive impact on your life.

It’s the few hours the movie takes and the few thousand pages the book takes to get that message across that were a waste.

And while positive thinking will get you far in life, it won’t get you everything.

To get the rest, you need to act, not just think.

The Real Secret

But the action you need to take is amazingly simple!

It’s so simple, in fact, that you’re probably not going to believe me…

But you already know me well enough to know that I’m going to tell you anyway.

The action you need to take, the real secret to achieving your dreams, is to save your money.

That’s the real “secret.”

Save and invest, and do it for years. You’ll be a millionaire.

And you don’t even have to save that much or do it for that long…

25 Years to $2.5 Million

If an investor sets aside $12,000 a year for 25 years, at the average rate of return for the S&P 500, in year 26, they’ll hit $2.5 MILLION.

It’s just basic math…

You invest $300,000 (that’s $12,000 a year for 25 years).

You put that money into an ETF or mutual fund that tracks the stock market.

And it grows to $2.5 million by year 26.

That’s just $1,000 a month. But you don’t even have to put in that much.

If you can put in $9,000 a year, you’ll have about $1.8 million after 25 years.

Even if you can only do $6,000 a year, that’ll still add up to about $1.2 million!

Are you starting to see how easy it really is to be a millionaire?

It’s all about saving money, investing that money, and letting time do the hard part.

Which is why smart investors always remember that time in the market is far more important than timing the market.

I Want More

But what if you want more than a couple million dollars? Well, you can keep working and keep saving.

Most of us end up working for more than 25 years. I’ve already been working for 25 and I’ve got at least 25 more left in me.

So let’s say you save for 35 years instead of 25 years. $12,000 a year gets you around $8.3 million.

At $9,000 a year, you’d have about $6.2 million.

Even if you stuck with $6,000 a year, you’d be sitting on a mountain of cash worth $4.1 million!

25y to 2.5m

You notice how the longer you save, the bigger your gains get?

If you save $12,000 a year for 35 years, that’s $420,000.

At $9,000 a year, you’d have set aside $315,000.

And at $6,000 a year, you’d have saved only $210,000.

But any way you slice those contributions, you’re a multimillionaire thanks to compound interest.

Because you’re using time to your advantage, you’re making money on the money that your money made!

I Want to Keep It All

OK, so now you know how to become a multimillionaire. And you know it’s easy.

You save for 35 years and then you’ll have as much as $9 million stashed away.

But do you really want to spend it after working that long to accumulate it?

If you invest in regular stocks, you’ll have to. I mean, you can’t spend a stock.

So you’re going to have to sell your shares if you want to spend any of that money you wisely saved.

But if you’re going to be wise enough to save that kind of money, then I’m sure you’ll be wise enough to invest it in stocks that pay you to hold them.

Then you get to watch your savings grow with the power of compound interest AND you get paid a steady stream of reliable income while you get richer and richer.

My Top Pick

So, to get you off on the right foot (or to add to your already growing riches), I want to share my favorite steady income stream with you…

Over the past decade, it’s paid a total of $11.74 BILLION!

The payments come like clockwork, every three months.

The payments have grown every year for the past nine years (this year will make number 10).

The next payment is coming in just a few weeks, on December 14!

And I expect this to be the biggest payment ever made!

All you have to do is get your name on the list and let them know how much you want to get.

It’s simple. It’s fast. It’s legal.

And it fits perfectly into that super-easy strategy I just taught you on how to become a millionaire (and stay that way).

So check it out today and get yourself invested for the future!

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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